simplyBrand - Blockchain Anti-Counterfeiting Technology

simplyBrand - Blockchain Anti-Counterfeiting Technology
Sunday 24 February 2019

Every year, over a billion different goods are sold and bought all over the world, ranging from some household and electronic products, to clothing and personal hygiene products. And every time when we buy something it is important for us that the goods correspond to the described quality and serve us well. But how to be sure that the purchased goods are of high quality and genuine? Where is the guarantee? This is what we will talk about today.


It's hard to believe it at first, but the numbers speak for themselves. Every year millions of people around the world fall victim to counterfeit goods and the most annoying is that this number is increasing every year. This is due in most cases to the increased growth of e-Commerce, which annually increases in its size by about 25%. Due to this, most of the Internet users make their purchases through online Commerce and as practice shows, they often suffer from the hands of fraudsters, whose goods are fake.
Every year, major global brands lose more than $ 20 billion a year because of such underground producers. The damage brought by the people that bought the particular product is an even greater amount. Moreover, there are statistics of such cases when people purchased fake pharmacological agents and became a victim of a fatal case. Yes, it's not a joke, these statistics record the annual number of these victims and their number is about 700 000 people around the world. Just imagine the scale of the problem.
The researchers found that the largest center of the world's fakes is China. Although many countries have tried to stop the spread of this" virus", their results are still limited and they do not have specific solutions to this problem. But do not worry ahead of time, as a team of experts still found a certain approach that can stop the "epidemic" of fakes. So I invite you to consider the idea from all sides in more detail.

About the project

The project that seeks to solve a number of the above problems is called – simplyBrand.This project is a full range of functions and services that are based on the technologies of the 21st century and have not only the basis of Blockchain technology, but also a competent combination of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence.
To understand for whom this platform is intended, I propose to get acquainted with the categories of users who will benefit from cooperation with simplyBrand:
1. First of all, I would like to start with global brands. Their benefit of cooperation with simplyBrand will be that all their products will be loaded into the ecosystem base, thanks to which everyone will have a unique opportunity to personally verify the authenticity of this product. All that is required from brand owners is to pay a small fee for their participation in this system, and then upload your product to the blockchain system. Everything is simple;
2. The second category of simplyBrand users will consist of the participants themselves, future buyers. That is, those people whose principle is guided by love for certain brands and the desire to buy their original. For participants will be available a series of functions through which they will be able not only to verify the authenticity of a product, but also learn to recognize fake and original images, as well as earn a couple of simple actions three coins for their pocket expenses. Which I think is a very nice addition;
3. The third category of simplyBrand participants will consist of Executive bodies, whose main task is to hang the potential of brands and as effective sales;
4. The fourth category will be all other third-party organizations, whose interest coincides with the participants of the ecosystem for which they are ready to offer their legal or organizational services to work with their brands and other important factors.

Design feature

As for the features and further principles of simplyBrand, I will be glad to describe the moment why the blockchain is able to implement this concept and will allow to conduct a cleaner game in the framework of online Commerce. We all know that the blockchain is famous for its immutability and the data that gets into its network remains there forever. This is exactly what the simplyBrand team needs to guarantee the purity of all actions within its platform. Even if someone loads a fake product into the system and it is detected by analysis, then this product and the user who published this position once and for all will get into the black list of this space. Thus, the whole system will be divided into white partnership offer and black.

The details of the ICO

To ensure that all functions within the framework of the platform are carried out quickly and reliably, the platform developers decided to use their own token (SBA), which within the framework of the platform will allow to implement a number of functions. It will be used for various types of transactions and payments, as well as it will be used as a reward for the participants of this platform. The token itself is a marker of the Ethereum network (ERC-20).
The total issue of tokens will be
The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows:



At the end of his review I want to Supplement the above with his personal opinion. I believe that such a platform is necessary not only for us, but also for global brands, whose reputation depends not only on the quality of products, but also on their name. Therefore, with the advent of such a platform, they will be able to control all the problems associated with the underground business more specifically, which means that in the near future we will all be able to clear the market of fake garbage.
Therefore, I sincerely believe in the success of this project and I recommend you to get acquainted with it. You have every chance to learn more about the concept of simplyBrand, through their technical documentation and official resources, links to which I attach below.

Official resources of the simplyBrand project: