TenXcoin - The Social Currency of the Digital Age

TenXcoin - The Social Currency of the Digital Age
Friday 8 February 2019

Every day the cryptocurrency market attracts the attention of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Such interest is so young and not fully studied direction in the modern world. Many experts have considered the potential of cryptocurrencies are beginning to actively look for its application in our lives. To do this, they develop new modules and structures that allow you to form your own infrastructure around these coins.


However, no matter how much they do not create an important criterion and a kind of "fuel" for the further development of cryptocurrencies is the society that should accept them as it should and start using them in everyday life. But as practice shows, there are still a huge number of aspects that need to be solved so that the use of cryptocurrencies is quite common and does not pose any complexity or danger to society.

Why are these facts so important, and why a fair amount of complexity, or devices stopping to develop this direction more rapidly and without obstacles. I think first and foremost it's all connected because of the low education of the people. Not everyone understands and understands the simplest concept of what cryptocurrency is and why they are needed?! And hence, as they say, and follow all subsequent misunderstandings and problems.
But! It is good that the world of highly qualified specialists understands this, so they try to develop new systems and projects in such a way that it is not only convenient, safe to use them, but also understandable even to a child. It is about this project and will be my today's review.

About the project

TenXCoin is a new revolutionary solution of the 21st century that is able to unite a number of business systems, combining them into a single ecosystem with its infrastructure.
The development of this project was engaged in a whole Association of companies, each of which intends to contribute to the development of cryptocurrencies, helping them to grow and develop in environmentally friendly and legitimate, in terms of business, relations. Each company represents a range of services and offers, ranging from the development of mobile applications, e-Commerce, cloud applications, applications based on augmented reality, to Internet things with IOT sensors.

Design feature

Thus, once in the economy of TenXCoin you will have a unique opportunity through mobile DApps applications to purchase various products both in online stores and in offline stores, while paying for goods directly with cryptocurrencies without resorting to the participation of third parties.
Moreover, after registration, each user will be able to earn additional TXC tokens by trying a new product or take a short survey, watch a video, or take part in the game. For such simple actions you will be able to earn a certain amount of coins for free, the value of which will correspond both inside the TenXCoin applications and outside their economy.
In simple terms, the founders of TenXCoin want to achieve full acceptance of their token in all stores of both small and medium and large businesses. Therefore, by all means they strive to make it viable, valuable and very useful. That's why they form their ecosystem, offering us a huge range of functions and services available to each user, wherever he is:

The details of the ICO

The Ethereum blockchain is currently considered the most popular and in demand in the entire crypto-currency society. That is why the developers of TenXCoin decided to use the ERC20 standard for their TXC tokens. A total of 100 billion tokens will be issued.
It is important to note that all tokens are already generated and in the near future they will be distributed as follows:
  • from 1% to 10% will be allocated for private sale;
  • from 2% to 10% will be allocated for public sale;
  • from 3% to 10% of coins will be used for strategic partners, marketing and advertising;
  • from 4% to 10% will be allocated for the creation of DApps and other programs;
  • the remaining 60% of tokens will be allocated to the community and awards.


Given the number of projects that appear every day around the world, only one remains important, the benefits and safety for the user, but also of course the ease of use and practical use of tokens in everyday life. Given these factors, I dare to assume that TenXCoin has all the chances to take its position in the cryptocurrency space and offer us new, high-quality and decent services.
But let's not forget that before you take part in the project, study it in more detail, as the essence of my review affects only a small part of what is still hidden in the depths of the technical document. To do this, as always, I attach all the necessary links at the end of my review, so that you can easily and quickly find what you need.

Official resources of the project TenXcoin: